1. General Provisions

1.1. These rules define the rules of buying and selling products through the website www.oldkakheti.ge between the seller and the buyer, which can be jointly referred to as "parties" and separately as - the party.

1.2. The seller is Ltd. "Distribution Company Old Kakheti" (JSC: 405367749), and the buyer is any natural or legal person who is not limited by the legislation of Georgia to purchase products posted on the website.

1.3. Each party guarantees the other party that it has the necessary legal right and capacity to enter into and fulfil a purchase agreement.

1.4. When purchasing products through the website, the buyer accepts and agrees to all the terms of this agreement, as well as the information posted on the site by the seller at the time of receiving the order.

1.5. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to these Rules, and the Buyer undertakes to regularly monitor changes to the Rules posted on the Seller's Website.

2. Register on the website

2.1. Both registered and unregistered customers can place an order in an online store.

2.2. The seller is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the buyer at the time of registration.

3. Order registration and delivery dates

3.1. The purchase of the order by the buyer is done through the website.

3.2. When placing an order, the buyer notifies the seller about the information required to place the order.

3.3. When ordering through a website, the buyer fills out an electronic order form and sends the order to the seller via the Internet.

3.4. After receiving the order, the seller confirms the order data by phone or e-mail and agrees with the buyer on the date of delivery of the product and other details. This date and time depends on the region of delivery and the time required to process the order.

3.5. The terms of delivery of the order are defined as follows: the delivery of the order will be carried out on the second day after the order in the case of Tbilisi, Khashuri, Kutaisi and Batumi. Orders placed on Saturday will be delivered on Monday.

4. Delivery of the order

4.1. The seller will deliver the product to the buyer in accordance with the terms specified in Article 3, however, the delivery of the order may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances arising from reasons beyond the control of the seller.

4.2. The risk of accidental destruction or accidental damage of the product is transferred from the seller to the buyer or recipient from the moment of delivery of the product to him and from the moment of signing the order confirming the delivery of the order by the buyer or the recipient.

4.3. To get the product, you can use the following forms: courier delivery or removal from the store by the buyer.

4.4. The products ordered during delivery will be delivered to the buyer or recipient. The order will be given to the recipient only in case of agreement with the buyer.

4.5. Upon delivery of the order, the person making the delivery is entitled to request the presentation of an identity card of the buyer or recipient.

4.6. Upon delivery of the product, the buyer or recipient will be provided with a document confirming the payment.

4.7. Upon receipt of the product, the buyer or recipient checks the appearance of the product. Further claims for sale will not be accepted for external damage.

4.8. If the product cannot be delivered through the fault of the buyer (the address is incorrectly indicated, does not answer the phone calls of the delivery service staff) the order will be re-sent to the customer only in case of additional payment of the courier service cost.

5. Pay the order value

5.1. The cost of the product is given on the website of the online store next to the name of each product.

5.2. The price of the product on which the order is placed is not subject to change.

5.3. The form of payment for the value of the product depends on the form of payment chosen by the buyer when ordering.

5.4. Possible forms of payment are: cash payment; Cashless payment; Pay by card through the website.

6. Change or return of the products

6.1. The buyer is entitled to refuse to accept the ordered product at any time prior to delivery.

6.2. Unopened products can be exchanged within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of receipt only if it is found that the product was expired upon delivery.

6.3. The return and exchange of products is carried out on the basis of an application provided by the buyer in electronic form to the seller's e-mail: onlineorders@oldkakheti.ge

6.4. A buyer who has purchased an improper quality (expired) product and has not been notified by the seller is entitled to claim:

- Replacement with similar or other products with the appropriate calculation of the purchase price.

- Cancel the order and refund the amount paid for the product.

6.5. Product return and exchange issues are agreed upon with each buyer individually, by phone or email.

7. Responsibility

7.1. The seller is not responsible for any damage caused by the following reasons:

- Incorrect filling in of the order form, including incorrect indication of personal data;

- Illegal actions of third parties;

7.2. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information recorded by him on the Website.

7.3. The parties shall be relieved of their liability for the full or partial non-performance of their duties if such non-performance is caused by circumstances of force majeure, as a result of events of an extraordinary nature which could not be considered and avoided by the parties.

7.4. In all cases not provided for in 7.3. According to the paragraph, the parties shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of their duties in accordance with the current legislation of Georgia.

8. Final Provisions

8.1. The current legislation of Georgia regulates the relations between the seller and the buyer.

8.2. The buyer guarantees that all the terms of these rules are clear to him and he accepts them unconditionally and in full.

8.3. In the event of questions and complaints from the buyer, he should contact the seller by phone or e-mail.

8.4. The parties will try to resolve all disputes through negotiations, and if the agreement is not reached, the court will consider the dispute in accordance with the current legislation of Georgia.